Does your switchboard need upgrading?

Don’t risk any electrical accidents and possibly a fire, ensure all repairs/ upgrades are done promptly to avoid these risks. Old housing and buildings that have an old switchboard that does not have safety switch protection are at risk of fire or an electric shock! If you have fuses in your switchboard you may be due for an upgrade. A lot of the older houses were built to have less power consumption. With the increase of appliances in each household your switchboard may not be able handle the increase of power consumption.

Fire Risk

Old Switchboards can increase your chances of electrical accidents & fires.


Keep you family safe, older boards may not have RCDs and safety devices fitted.

Power Consumption

Older boards arent built to run modern applicances.

brisbane switchboard electrican switchboard upgrade

Did you know?

The switchboard is the central hub for all of your electrical circuits. If there are any problems there it could cause electrical problems throughout the house, or building.

The old style switchboards with fuses are becoming a huge fire risk. The old style switchboards are not installed with safety switches which can be dangerous incase of an electrical fault. In QLD, it is now mandatory that all new premises or renovated premises with electrical circuits include a safety switch.

All RCD’s must be installed by a licensed electrician. A safety switch detects fluctuations in an electrical circuit and result in the safety switch turning the power off within 0-300ms of the leakage being detected.

Require a Switchboard Upgrade?

Contact us today to arrange a consultation.